The Louisiana Folklife Program, within the Division of the Arts, is designed to identify, document, conserve, and present the folk cultural resources of Louisiana. Everyone and every group has folklore. Folklife includes living traditions, or folklore, practiced and passed on within groups, such as family, ethnic, occupational, and regional groups.

The Louisiana Folklife Commission, a 22-member body is appointed by the Governor to address the special needs of Louisiana’s traditional communities and advise the Folklife Program.

Learn more about the Louisiana Folklife Program at https://louisianafolklife.org

encourages the study, documentation, and accurate representation of  the traditional cultures of Louisiana. It is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Louisiana.

Physical Address

400 East St Mary Blvd

U of Louisiana Lafayette

Lafayette, LA 70503

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 43558

Lafayette, LA 70504