The Louisiana Folklore Society was founded in 1956 to encourage the study, documentation, and accurate representation of the traditional cultures of Louisiana.

Louisiana Folklore Society members include university professors, professional folklorists in the public sector, secondary school teachers, museum workers, graduate students, and other individuals interested in Louisiana’s traditions and cultural groups.

Members of LFS have been active for many years working with libraries, folk festivals, small museums, and community documentation projects across the state. Our annual conference is more akin to a gathering.

We welcome students, academics, public folklorists, and community members who discuss current issues facing our state.

Presentations range from community members explaining their family heritage or crafts to academics presenting papers on topics ranging from literature to sociological or economic data.

The Society annually publishes the Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, an academic journal, and collaborates with the state Folklife Program to post the articles online.

LFS collaborates with the Louisiana Folklife Commission to celebrate Louisiana Folklife Month each October by recognizing tradition bearers at public events.


Rachel Doherty

Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Louisiana, Lafayette


Bruce Craft

Southeastern Louisiana University, Department of English


Ina Fandrich

New Orleans African American Museum, Curator of Collections


Maria Zeringue

Mississippi Folk and Traditional Arts Program

Rachel Doherty

Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Louisiana, Lafayette

Bruce Craft

Southeastern Louisiana University, Department of English

Ina Fandrich

New Orleans African American Museum, Curator of Collections

Maria Zeringue

Mississippi Folk and Traditional Arts Program

Directors at Large

Michelle Glaros, Centenary College of Louisiana, Department of Communication

Lauren Hémard, Louisiana Children’s Museum, New Orleans

Shelley Ingram, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Department of English

Sabina Miller, Thibodaux

Jennifer Morrison, Xavier University, Department of English

Nathan Rabalais, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Department of Modern Languages

Helen Regis, Louisiana State University, Department of Geography & Anthropology

Erin Tooher, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Robin White, Nicholls State University, Department of English, French and Cultural Studies


LFS Bylaws


To download the Louisiana Folklore Society’s bylaws, please click on the link below.

Louisiana Folklore Society Bylaws (PDF)

encourages the study, documentation, and accurate representation of  the traditional cultures of Louisiana. It is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Louisiana.

Physical Address

400 East St Mary Blvd

U of Louisiana Lafayette

Lafayette, LA 70503

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 43558

Lafayette, LA 70504