What is the BCC?
The Bayou Culture Collaborative, a collective of more than 800 people and organizations, is organized through the Louisiana Folklore Society. The overall goal of the BCC is to accelerate climate and environmental adaptation through culture and the arts, recognizing that culture is a powerful motivator for action and that environmental disruptions and contamination threaten community ties to the land and resources that sustain cultural heritage and lifeways.
Why was the BCC started?
Louisiana’s coast is at risk as never before. Disasters and environmental changes have already caused significant losses and prompted population shifts along the coast, which are expected to increase in the future. Understanding the problems we face, the support systems available, and the possible futures we can build are all critical.
With this in mind, the Louisiana Folklore Society started the Bayou Culture Collaborative (BCC) to knit together a communication and support network for people concerned about the future of Louisiana’s coast and culture.
The BCC started a monthly online gathering of people interested in working together in January of 2022. Our growth has been remarkable, with more than 100 people registering for our first gathering and now more than 800 people and organizations who have now signed up for meeting and working group information.
Who funds the BCC?
The BCC is funded by Louisiana Division of the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, and Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program.
What are the working groups?
During our initial meeting, a number of working groups were established to focus on specific issues with an eye toward creating concrete action steps for coastal communities. Working groups that are currently active include: 1) Louisiana French Curriculum and/or Preservation, 2) Culture and Coastal Planning, 3) Receiving Communities, 4) Artists, Tradition Bearers, and Coastal Issues, and 5) Protecting Collections.
How can I be involved?
BCC welcomes all to attend and participate in monthly gatherings and working groups. You can sign up here to receiving information: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/HaCPJe8/bayouculturegatherings
Learn about working groups and sign up to participate here: https://www.louisianafolklore.org/?p=1351
What is our position statement and how can I or my organization sign on?
The BCC created a position statement to articulate our principles and values and how these should guide collectively planning for the future. Dozens of individuals attending BCC gatherings and working groups directly contributed to writing the statement. Draft versions were presented and discussed at several gatherings and working group meetings. A final version was voted for by BCC members.
Organizations and individuals are able to sign on to the position statement.
Organizations: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/xK1fl0h/organizationsignps
individuals : https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/mnhDGXD/individualsignps

encourages the study, documentation, and accurate representation of the traditional cultures of Louisiana. It is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Louisiana.
Physical Address
400 East St Mary Blvd
U of Louisiana Lafayette
Lafayette, LA 70503
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 43558
Lafayette, LA 70504